This Week's Message Of Hope

Church Service Time

Saturdays at 5:00 pm

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Serenity Church is a place where broken and hurting people find healing. If you are suffering from hurts beyond your control, or if life has become unmanageable and you do not know your next move …

… Serenity Church is waiting for you

About Our

12 Step Recovery Program Based On The Scriptures

Never Alone Again cover


book 3October, 1987. I'm standing on a sidewalk on the tough edge of downtown Dallas--desperately looking for the address the woman had given me on the phone. All the words you would use to describe a place like this: seedy, gritty, crime-infested (and the more politically correct "transitional") all seemed to line up and describe this spot. Right before noon a crazy grab-bag of humanity began to make their way down a dirt alley between two boarded up storefronts. That alley looked incredibly dangerous but I took a deep breath and followed them. What I found there was something I had been looking for my whole life and hadn't even known how to ask for. I was born on a Sunday and was in church the next Sunday. I had been taught and trained at two Christian universities and a seminary. I was 34 years old and the Sr. Pastor for one of the largest churches of my denomination in the world. I witnessed "church" that day for the first time in my life. These were the people who would save my life, re-write my theology, and change me forever. My life was about to turn upside down and go to places I could never have imagined.

Never Alone Again cover